пятница, января 17, 2020

A Drive Back in Time

The Library of Congress has a huge archive of photographs from across the United States. The collection is a fantastic record of recent American history. The collection also provides a fantastic resource for exploring the United States through its photography.

Library of Places is an interactive map which allows you to explore the Library of Congress' photography collection using the analog of a road trip. Click on any two locations on the map and Library of Places will plot a route between your two chosen locations. Library of Places then finds photographs from the Library of Congress which were taken along that route and displays them beneath the map.

You can click on any of the displayed photographs to view its entry on the Library of Congress website. This entry will include details on the photographer, the year the photograph was taken and the locations assigned to the picture by the Library of Congress.

If you are a fan of vintage photography then you might also appreciate these other interactive maps of historical photographs:

Historypin - a huge collection of mapped vintage photos from across the world
The Collections of the Albert Khan Museum - a map of vintage photos from around the globe
OldSF - vintage photos of San Francisco (has Google Maps licencing issues but photos still work)
OldNYC - old photographs of New York
Old Toronto - historic photos of Toronto from the City of Toronto Archives
Wymer's DC - view images of D.C. from the John P. Wymer Photograph Collection
The Yangon Time Machine - a map of vintage photographs of Yangon, Myanmar
Smapshot - historical images of Switzerland
OldAms - thousands of vintage photographs of Amsterdam
Tids Maskinen - explore photos of Norway by location & date
Helsinki Ennen - historical maps and photographs of the Finnish capital
Our Town Stories - Edinburgh - vintage photos & maps of the Scottish capital
Vintage Greece - geo-located vintage photographs and historical maps of Greece
Ajapaik - vintage photos of Estonia

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Hungarian vintage photo map: https://gallery.hungaricana.hu/en/map