вторник, января 14, 2020

Toronto's Geography of Wealth

In Mapping Our Divisions The Local looks at how Toronto's income inequalities can be observed in the city's streets and polarized neighborhoods. Using an interactive map The Local reveals the income disparities between the rich neighborhoods along the Yonge Street corridor and the low-income suburbs of the city. It also explores the shrinking number of middle-income neighborhoods sandwiched in between the rich and poor areas of Toronto.

The map colors Toronto based on the individual household incomes compared to the city average. As you progress through the map The Local explains how the income inequalities between the rich and poor neighborhoods of the city are reflected in other areas. For example diabetes rates reflect this sharp income inequality with high rates in the poorest areas and the lowest rates in the wealthy, central neighborhoods.

While the poorest neighborhoods often have the highest levels of disease, such as diabetes, they are also often health care deserts, with poor access to health care services. On the other hand those living in the wealthiest neighborhoods often have the best access to health care services. Unsurprisingly the poorer, less healthy neighborhoods have greater levels of premature deaths than the wealthier neighborhoods.

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