воскресенье, января 12, 2020

How Old is Montreal?

The award for the first building age map of 2020 goes to CBC News. Montreal is 375 years old this year and to help celebrate the occasion CBC has released the Montreal Building Age map. On this map Montreal's buildings are colored to show their year of construction.

The Montreal Building Age map is a great way to explore the history of Montreal's development. If you are interested in seeing which neighborhoods have the oldest buildings then you can use the map legend to filter the buildings shown on the map by age. This means it is possible to find the oldest buildings in Montreal by simply selecting the 1600-1800 filter. If you interested in learning more about some of the city's oldest buildings then you simply need to scroll down in the map side-panel. After the map's short introduction there is a tour of around 30 of the city's most interesting buildings. As well as highlighting some of the city's oldest buildings this tour also explores some of the city's most architecturally interesting buildings.

Here are a few other building age maps for cities around the world:

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