понедельник, января 06, 2020

All the Countries Attacked by America

I have a feeling this map might prove a little controversial. Following Donald Trump's assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani (which Republican's insist has nothing to do with the President's impeachment) Quartz decided to map out every country that has ever been attacked by the USA.

Quartz's US Armed Operations from 1775 to the Present shows every country in the world which has either been at war with the USA or has been involved in some form of armed conflict. America has only been involved in five declared wars - against Britain, Canada, Mexico and the two World Wars. Presumably other wars - like the Vietnam War and the Iraq War - the USA thinks of as just minor conflicts.

Quartz has used information from a report by the Congressional Research Service to color every country around the globe by whether it has been involved in a war or 'other conflict' with the USA. If you select a country on the map you can read details about all the armed conflicts it has had with America since 1775.

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This is a bullshit map, and I am about as antiwar as anyone.
Taking part in a joint naval exercise in the Baltic Sea is listed as a conflict with the country who took part in it with us.
Surrounding and protecting an embassy during a riot, in which not a shot was fired is listed as a conflict.
A whole bunch of these are based on actions the US was involved with to provide communications support for UN actions. If that is the threshold, then Bangladesh and Nigeria have been in conflicts with half of the third world.
A sensible editor at Quartz coukd have fixed this, but in its present shape it is nonsensical.
J Bryar