среда, сентября 30, 2020

200 Years of Dutch Cartography

The Dutch Topographic Bureau was founded on February 18, 1815. Since that date, and for over 200 years, the Dutch government has been collecting and making available geographic information in the form of highly detailed national and local maps. You can learn more about the Dutch national mapping agency and view some of the extraordinary maps it has created over the last two hundred years on these two interactive maps:
The first of these, Time Travel - More than 200 Years of Topography, allows you to browse and view some of the incredible maps created by the Dutch mapping agency since 1815. This map includes a timeline control which allows you to browse the vintage Dutch maps by date. Select a year on this interactive timeline and you can view a Dutch Topographic Bureau map from that year.

In the modern era the Dutch national mapping agency has used aerial imagery as one of the tools in its mapping arsenal. The Time Travel map allows you to explore these aerial images for the whole country for any year from 2006.

The second map, 200 Years of Topography, is a story map which tells the history of the Dutch Topographic Bureau from its foundation in 1815 right up until the modern day. Using interactive maps, photos and text 200 Years of Cartography explores how maps have been made in the Netherlands over the past 200 years.

200 Years of Cartography is an historical chronology of the Dutch Mapping Agency. It starts by exploring the agency's foundation and proceeds in chronological order to explore how the agency has developed and changed over the following 200 years of its history. As you proceed through this chronological history of the Dutch Topographic Bureau you can view many examples of the maps that the bureau has created over the last 200 years.

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