вторник, сентября 22, 2020

Is it Safe to Trick & Treat?

The question on a lot of parents' minds this Halloween will be whether it is safe for their children to go out trick & treating. Halloween 2020 can help. Halloween 2020 provides the latest information about the current Covid risk levels in your county and the kind of Halloween activities that are possible for your county's level of risk.

Halloween 2020 is an initiative from the Hershey chocolate company. Hershey obviously have quite an incentive to encourage children to go out this Halloween. However the health information on Halloween 2020 is from trusted sources. The interactive map on Halloween 2020 comes from the Harvard Global Health Institute. Counties on this map are colored to show the current Covid risk levels based on the latest data on the infection rate in each county.

Once you have determined the risk level in your county you can refer to Hershey's recommended Halloween activities for that level of risk. These activities all adhere to the social distancing recommendations of the CDC. For example if you live in a red zone the recommended activities are designed to avoid contact with other people. These activities include Zoom parties, scavenger hunts around the home and family costume challenges. Activities for children who live in green zones are obviously a little more relaxed and do include activities that involve limited social contact - for example trick or treating at homes which have an official Safehouse certificate (homes that have prepared safe social distancing measures).

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