воскресенье, декабря 24, 2023

Santa Tracker Maps

Santa has begun work on his busiest day of the year. This year you can follow Santa's journey around the world, as he delivers presents to all the world's children, on both the Google Santa Tracker and the NORAD Santa Tracker. You can also follow Santa this year on the new Mapbox powered Santa Tracker.

The Mapbox Santa Tracker consists of a 3D map encased in a 3D snow-globe (shake the globe to see it snow). During Christmas night you can follow in real-time Santa's journey around the world as he delivers presents to 2 billion children. The Mapbox Santa Tracker includes a Santa display, which shows you how far Santa has traveled, how many presents he has delivered and how many cookies he has eaten.

The Official NORAD Santa Tracker uses NORAD's geo-synchronous satellites to detect the heat signature of Rudolph's red nose. It is then able to track Santa's sleigh as it delivers presents to children around the world. While following along with Santa's global journey on NORAD's map you can listen to a wonderful selection of Christmas songs.

Google uses GPS (the Gnome Positioning System) to track Santa's sleigh as it travels around the globe on Christmas Eve. They then plot his movements around the world on a real-time Google Map. While following Santa on the Google Santa Tracker you can keep an eye on the sleigh dashboard to see how much time is remaining until Santa arrives at your chimney. This dashboard also keeps track of all the presents Santa has delivered so far and where he will be stopping next in his journey.

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My little nephew wants a drom for Christmas

Jane Marcus комментирует...

Thanks for the information!