суббота, декабря 23, 2023

Where Might I Live?

There are 3,143 counties in the USA. One of them is probably perfect for you. But which one?

What makes a perfect home can depend on a number of factors. Those factors are likely to be different for every single person. Where Might I Live can find your perfect US home based on your own personal criteria. Tell Where Might I Live what factors are important to you in choosing a home and it will show you the US counties which are best suited to you.

Among the hundreds of criteria which you can use to refine your search for the perfect home on Where Might I Live are walkabilty, levels of public transit, weather conditions, tax rates, and available leisure activities. It is up to you to choose the criteria which are most important to you. Add your 'wishes' to Where Might I Live and a choropleth map highlights the US counties which most clearly match your selected criteria.

If you select one of the counties highlighted on the map as meeting your criteria then an information window will open providing more information about your possible future home. This window provides general information about the selected county and details about how closely it matches your chosen criteria.

1 комментарий:

Rick комментирует...

Thanks for the mention!