среда, мая 19, 2021

The Animated Procedural Art Map

Infinite Noise is an animated procedural artwork which uses the Leaflet.js interactive mapping platform. Open Infinite Noise in your browser and you can view an infinite moving pattern of colors. 

Because this procedural work of art is presented as an interactive map you can pan around and zoom in and out. There really isn't much else to say except that this mesmerizing work of art was created using the p5.js JavaScript library and Leaflet.js.

Of course this isn't the first time that Leaflet has been used to create procedural art. MandelbrotGL is a Leaflet based map of an infinite Mandelbrot set pattern. The map uses WebGL to render the Mandelbrot set on the fly in the browser. 

The map has infinite zooming, so you can keep zooming into these fractal pattern for ever. Unfortunately the pattern starts getting a little pixelated after zoom level 20. That still leaves you with a lot of beautiful math to explore.

Fractal Map also uses the Leaflet library to visualize a number of beautiful fractal patterns. Using this map you can view a number of different fractals and use the map controls to zoom in and out on the repeating patterns.

The map includes a Leaflet hash library, which means that you can pan and zoom the map to find your favorite fractal patterns and then share the view by cutting and pasting the URL. The map is also a neat demo of using the Leaflet mapping platform with HTML5 canvas and Web Workers. You can explore how this is achieved on the map's GitHub page.

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