понедельник, февраля 14, 2022


If you enjoy the daily Wordle word challenge then you might enjoy some of these geography games inspired by Josh Wardle's now world famous word game. 

Globle is a daily geography challenge which requires you to guess a designated country of the world. Each time that you guess a country it is colored in on a globe to show how close you are to today's country. The deeper the shade of red then the hotter (or closer) you are to guessing the correct country.

Every day there is a new mystery country for you to guess. Your aim every day is to guess the mystery country using the fewest number of guesses. 


Worldle is another daily geography challenge. This game requires you to name a country from just its map outline. Like the original Wordle game you have six goes in which to get to the right answer. And, like Wordle, there is only one game to play every day.

Where Worldle differs a lot from Wordle is in the clues given after each answer. Instead of green and yellow squares Worldle uses arrows and percentages to help you get to the correct answer from your incorrect guesses. After each guess, you are told the distance you were from the correct country, the direction you need to move on a map and the proximity of your guess to the target country. With just these clues it should be possible to work out the correct answer within the permitted six guesses (particularly if like me you cheat and use a world map).

My own (not so good) Worlde game is a clone of Josh Wardle's original Wordle game. My game however requires you to guess the names of countries and major global cities rather than words from the dictionary. No maps are involved in this challenge and I've even provided a cheat button which allows you to view the complete list of countries and cities that the game draws upon for each answer.

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