понедельник, июня 19, 2023

Staring at the Moon

NASA's Daily Moon Guide is a new interactive map to help you observe the moon on any day of the year. The map shows you what you can see on the moon today with the unaided eye, with binoculars or with a telescope, taking into account the current phase of the moon.

The Daily Moon Guide automatically shows you the current phase of the moon. So, for example, tonight you won't see much of the moon because we had a new moon yesterday. However what you will see if you look up at tonight's waxing crescent moon is shown by the Daily Moon Guide. The moon guide also includes a date control which allows you to view the phase of the moon for any future or past date.

The Daily Moon Guide includes a hemisphere control which allows you to select what you will see from the northern or southern hemispheres. One of the main features of the Daily Moon Guide is that it includes point-of-interest labels which show you what you can see on the moon with the naked eye, with binoculars or with a telescope. For example on Wednesday, with the naked eye, you should be able to see the Mare Crisium and the Mare Fecunditatis.

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