суббота, января 06, 2024

The Bike Map

Biking directions are very difficult. There are a few factors which are important to cyclists which most route planners tend to avoid. When I'm planning a bike route I usually consider the amount of road traffic (e.g. are there bike lanes available), elevation, and road surface (e.g. avoiding cobbles). 

I actually have a little test route which I use for previewing route planning maps for cyclists. I ask for directions from my home to my favorite large supermarket. It is a route I cycle at least twice a week and the best route requires a good knowledge of the locations of dedicated cycle lanes and shared pedestrian-cycling paths.

Sherpa, a new cycling route planner, is the first map which actually recommends my preferred cycling route to my nearest supermarket. When planning a new cycle route Sherpa includes options to prioritize elevation, road types or leisure/race. I think the leisure/race option has something to do with prioritizing dedicated bike lanes or roads as I found that when I select the 'leisure' option Sherpa actually provides a route that follows the dedicated bike lanes and shared pedestrian-cycling paths that I prefer.

The 'Choose Route Profile' option (located on the right-hand edge of the map) allows you to select the factors which are most important to you in your bike journeys. It allows you to prioritize the type of road surfaces you prefer, whether you want a flat of hilly route and whether you want a leisure or race route.

You can also color the line of any returned cycle route on the map by elevation, surface, or grade. This will, for example, allow you to easily see where the major hills are along your route. You can also preview an elevation profile of your entire route at the bottom of the map. The road surface along the route is also shown on this elevation profile using different colors.

You might have your own preferred options when you consider new cycling routes. For me however Sherpa seems to cover the main three - elevation, road-type, and the availability of bike lanes. The only thing missing for me at the moment is that I'd like to be able to color the route 'line type' by type of road (e.g. road, physically separated bike lane, painted bike lane, bike path, shared pedestrian-bike path).

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