понедельник, января 08, 2024

The Self-Driving Car Simulation

A Virtual World - Self-Driving Car is a JavaScript video course which you can follow on YouTube. The course teaches you how to create a virtual environment using OpenStreetMap data, in which virtual self-driving cars drive around on the streets of an interactive map.

If you haven't got the time (or inclination) to build your own virtual world then you can still explore a demo of the course's completed Virtual World. In this demo map a number of virtual self-driving cars drive around navigating a virtual town, while trying not to collide with each other.

The JavaScript course on building a virtual world for self-driving cars is 11 videos long.The 11 video course guides you through the steps needed to create a virtual world (or at least the map of it) from scratch, starting with the basic concepts and then adding more features and functionality as the course progresses. If you are mainly interested in the mapping elements of the virtual world then you might want to skip to video 10, which looks at using OpenStreetMap data and how to use Overpass Turbo to retrieve that data.

The completed code from each video lesson can also be accessed on GitHub

Via: weeklyOSM

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