понедельник, января 11, 2010

All of Wikipedia on Google Maps

The Full Wiki

The Full Wiki is a great attempt to map all of Wikipedia using Google Maps.

'So what?' I hear you ask. Wikipedia already lets you view locations on maps and Google Maps also has a Wikipedia layer so that you can look up information about locations directly on the map.

However, The Full Wiki is different because it maps all the locations mentioned in a Wikipedia entry. So, for example, if you look up '1945' in The Full Wiki all the locations mentioned in the entry are mapped. So you can see at a glance all the major events of 1945 directly on a Google Map.

The map and the article are linked throughout. Click on a map marker and it jumps to that part of the article. Click on an article marker and it will show you that location on the map.

Here's another great example. Look up The Renaissance in The Full Wiki and you can read about this cultural movement in its historical context and the accompanying map gives its geographical context.

Some more examples:
  • Ferdinand Magellan got around a bit. Now you can see where he explored during his travels.
  • Barack Obama has the most international background of any recent US president. See it mapped.
This is definitely one Google Maps mashup that I can see myself using on a daily basis.

Also See

Wikimapia - Wikimapia is an online editable map - you can describe any place on Earth or just surf the map to discover information about the locations that interest you.


3 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Thanks for the writeup! Explorers - they make excellent examples. Here's Christopher Columbus. I saw Captain Cook was missing. Will be there in the next version which is coming soon. Let me know if you have any other thoughts/bugs etc!

Jane комментирует...

Thanks for the post!

Wikipedia content has also been mapped by country and by population... where articles are written and how many articles are written per capita.

Given the huge bias towards North America, should Wikipedia 'outreach' to different countries and continents to increase participation, for content that is representative of the whole world?

Via CBC's excellent technology podcast, Spark ep 93

Unknown комментирует...

Hi Saucy beige. Yeah it's interesting how different it is between languages. The Spanish Wikipedia is only slightly bigger than the Dutch Wikipedia, despite the fact that it's a major European country that speaks a world language.

The Full Wiki shows where Wikipedian photographers are too.