пятница, января 29, 2010

Google Maps Friday Fun

Google Street View Illustrations

Budapest-based designer Lehel Kovács has been busy creating an illustrated alphabet taking inspiration from Street Views. Cool Hunting have put together a collection of his illustrations.

Kentucky artist Bill Guffrey, whose Street View inspired painting have featured on Google Maps Mania before, has in turn inspired a number of sixth grade students. His blog now features a number of the students' paintings based on Google Maps Street View scenes.

The Stig Gets All Blurry

News of an Easter egg in last week's Street View update went around the Internet at least four times this week. If you spend hours searching the new Street View imagery around Loch Ness looking for monsters you may eventually find instead the above shot of the Stig.

For some reason, surely by mistake, Google have now pixellated the Stig. Boo!

Mr. Plimpton's Revenge

Dinty W. Moore has written an essay on Google Maps about the strange way that journalist George Plimpton keeps popping up in his life.

The essay uses Google Maps as an interface for each of Moore's encounters with Plimpton. It's well worth a read.

Tour of Vedbæk Strandvej

Microformats.dk has produced a Google Map Street View tour of Denmark's most expensive street, Vedbæk Strandvej. The tour is accompanied by a YouTube video of Abba singing 'Money, 'Money', Money'.

To view the tour load the route and press 'Drive'. The tour will will then automatically transport you along the street in Street View and update the location in the map view.


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