четверг, января 07, 2010

Chile Google Maps Mashup Round-Up

Chile Maps

Chile Maps is a location and route sharing map for Chile. Users of the site can map their trips in Chile or just add their favourite locations via Google Maps.

All of the uploaded routes and locations can be downloaded from the site in KML format. Currently the site doesn't have many mapped locations but hopefully this will change once the site gains more registered members.


Cajeros is a website designed to help Chileans find ATM machines. Users can search the map by state (Comuna) and the map returns the locations of ATM machines in the area.

Each ATM machine is displayed on the map with the logo of the bank it serves. The map dynamically loads the nearest ATM machines so it is also possible to search by panning the map.

From the same developer as the Cajeros map comes this Google Maps mashup showing the location of pharmacies in Chile. Again users can search the map by state or by panning the map.

The results of each search are displayed on the map and listed in the map sidebar. The information window for each pharmacy displays the postal address.

Previous Chile Maps Mashups

GeoTurismo.cl - a tourism mashup for Chile

Portalinmobiliario - Chile's first housing mashup

Santiago Metro Mashup - Here is a great transit and photo mashup for the city of Santiago Chile


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