четверг, января 28, 2010

Google Map Tracking Boston Buses

MBTA.com T-Tracker Trial

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority are currently trialling a Google Maps based live real-time bus tracking system for five bus routes. Using the trial map commuters can see the real-time locations of buses and obtain real-time arrival predictions for each bus-stop on a route.

Buses on the map are shown with numbered map markers that contain arrows indicating the direction of travel. Stops are shown as small red circles along the route. You can determine the name of a stop simply by moving the mouse over it and get arrival prediction by clicking the marker.

The trial seems to be being developed with the help of NextBus, who already provide real-time live bus tracking maps in San Francisco.

Other Train & Bus Tracking Maps
Flight Tracking Maps
  • GMaps Flight Tracker - inbound flight maps to some busy U.S. airports: Atlanta, Boston, JFK New York, Los Angeles and Chicago
  • North American flight tracker! - works for most commercial flights originating and arriving in the United States and/or Canada
  • Radar - tracking flights over Zurich
Boat Tracking Maps

3 комментария:

Smithee комментирует...

Really nice - we wanted to do this with London Buses a couple of years ago but were politely told 'no' by London Transport sadly.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

I have heard some rumours (I can't remember where now) that there may be something coming for London Buses.

Metrobus in West Sussex have a map that lets you click on bus-stop markers and get the next bus times accessible by mobile as well).


Unknown комментирует...

Great tracking device.Help a lot and also save your valuable time and money. You can also save your cargo by using the same tracking deivce.
Cargo tracking system in rajasthan is one of example.