четверг, января 21, 2010

National Trust Street View - Updated

NT Street View Map

Today Google have unveiled some stunning new Street View imagery of National Trust houses and castles in the UK. This Google Map mashup allows you to view the new Street View imagery.

To view the Street View for one of the National Trust properties just click on the property's name in the menu and then click on the blue Street View layer on the map. The Street View will appear under the map.

I was only able to put this map together so quickly because, by chance, last week Mapperz was kind enough to share with me a list of lat/longs for UK National Trust properties.

SV Mapplets
SV Mapplets have also produced a mapplet for Google Maps that shows all the National Trust properties with Street View. The Mapplet allows you to select any of the National Trust Properties and view the Street View directly within Google Maps.


3 комментария:

asa letourneau комментирует...

brilliant stuff!!! I'd love to do the same for heritage walking tours around North Melbourne that we (Public Record Office Victoria) co-ordinated. The walking tours were public programs associated with various exhibitions. Are we able to develop the maps via google map open source apps or do we need 3rd party licenced software? cheers, asa

Keir Clarke комментирует...

If the street view imagery is already there you should be able to develop it using the Google Maps API.

asa letourneau комментирует...

Thanks Keir...will check it out!