вторник, августа 03, 2010

Mapping the Brazilian Election

The Brazilian general election of 2010 will be held on Sunday, October 3, 2010. Ahead of the election Google have produced a dedicated web page showing search trends for the candidates and a Google Map of the candidates' campaigns.

Follow the Candidates

Google have produced this Google Map to show the candidates' campaigns during the election. For each point visited by the candidates you can view content such as news, photos and videos.

Historic Elections Map
Google have also produced this Google Map that shows the results of every Brazilian election since 1994. You can select to view both presidential and governor election results on the map.

Rota do Planalto

Brazilian website Voto Certo have produced their own Google Map to help inform voters ahead of the election.

Rota do Planalto allows voters to view the campaigns of the presidential candidates since January 2010. The map shows the campaign journeys made by Rousseff (PT), José Serra (PSDB) and Silva (PV) in the months from January to July. The campaign of Plinio de Arruda Sampaio is mapped from May, when the PSOL named his candidacy.

In addition to viewing all events on a single map, you can also pick a candidate and view their calendar for the period. Another option is to compare routes between two candidates in the same month. Each marker on the map, shows the details of the event or YouTube videos or photos with a link to the news sources.

Hat-tip: Mibazaar


4 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

Hey, what a pleasure reading it! The journalist who created this tool is well-known here in Brazil. her twitter is @saritabastos .Certainly a good person to follow.

Sarita Bastos комментирует...


Thank you for publishing our map on Google Maps Mania!


Virender Ajmani комментирует...

Yes Sarita did a awesome job!!

não fica só no pensamento, deixe um recado комментирует...

#FF @votocerto - www.twitter.com/votocerto
