понедельник, августа 23, 2010

MILF Location Finder

Gowalla MILF

I'm guessing the acronym used in the name of this application is entirely intentional and will probably ensure it gets a few more page hits than it might otherwise have done (it certainly caught my eye). In this case, however, MILF stands for 'Missing Items Location Finder' and not what you might have first thought.

The application uses Google Maps to help you locate Gowalla spots near you which contain items which are missing from your vault. To use Gowalla MILF you just need to log-in with your Gowalla account. Once logged in just double click anywhere on the map to scan that area for your missing items.

Via: Digital Urban


1 комментарий:

Patrick комментирует...

I was a little bit confused about the abbreviation, just know it as Mom I'd Like to Fuck
