четверг, августа 19, 2010

The World's Happiest Countries Are ...

Yesterday I posted about Survey Mapper's happiness survey, which seems to suggest that Brazil is the happiest country. Here are some more maps exploring the 'happiness' ratings of the world's countries:

World's Happiest Countries

According to Forbes the Danes are the happiest people in the world.

Mibazaar has created this Google Map to display the results of the Forbes Happiest Countries list. The list is based on results from a Gallup World Poll that surveyed thousands of respondents in 155 countries, between 2005 and 2009.

The poll asked respondents to reflect on their overall satisfaction with their lives and asked questions about how each subject had felt the previous day. Mibazaar's map of the results uses numbered map markers so that you can tell at a glance where a country ranks on the list. The countries are also listed in the map sidebar in descending order.

Tweet Sentiments

TweetSentiments.com provides a snapshot view of the world's mood via a heat map from an analysis of Tweets. The site uses Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies to analyse Tweets from around the world and then presents the results on a Google Map.

Happiness Map
happiness map
Denmark also seems to be one of the happiest countries on Adrian White's Happiness Map (pdf).


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