вторник, августа 10, 2010

Street View in 20 German Cities

Google's German blog Der Google Produkt-Kompass has today revealed that Street View will be available later this year for 20 German cities. The cities are: Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Hannover, Köln, Leipzig, Mannheim, München, Nürnberg, Stuttgart and Wuppertal.

As well as using the usual face blurring on the German Street View Google are allowing German citizens to remove their house from the Street View imagery before it is released. Starting next week people can ask Google not to show their houses in Street View by filling in a form at google.de/streetview.

Alternatively you can always wait to see what your house looks like in Street View and then, if you don't want it shown, ask for it to be removed from Street View in the usual way (via the 'report a problem' link at the bottom of every Street View image).

If you can't wait for Street View you can always check out German website Sightwalk. Sitewalk already have a Street View type service for a number of German cities using OpenStreetMap. Or if that doesn't grab you then have a look at this Oldenburg Panorama-Tour, which uses the map that shall not be named (#cough Microsoft).

Via: Der Google Produkt-Kompass by way of Street View Funny


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City of Bautzen has a StreetView-like tour on http://www.bautzen.de/panorama/start.html