понедельник, августа 02, 2010

Mission Possible with Google Maps

Mission Explore

If you have children that you need to keep entertained this summer then you should introduce them to Mission Explore. Mission Explore is a series of challenges designed to get children thinking geographically.

The Mission Explore website already has over 1,000 missions. The project has started in London but the missions will be expanding to other locations soon. The Mission Explore London Map is a Google Map showing the location of the available missions.

The missions are imaginative and fun challenges for children to undertake. For example one mission is to cross a park without being seen by any squirrels. Another mission involves finding as many different types of trees, plants and flowers in a public garden as you can.

Parents who don't live in London are sure to find inspiration for entertaining their children with Mission Explore. As you can see many of the missions can be easily transferred and don't necessarily have to be done at their mapped location.

You can also download the free Mission Explore London iPhone app. With the app you can find the nearest mission to your location when you are out and about in London. The app also has an 'Anywhere' button that provides missions that aren't specific to London locations and can be undertaken anywhere.


2 комментария:

CanOfWorms комментирует...

First I must declare my interest: my company Can of Worms publishes the book Mission:Explore which is available on Amazon. The iPhone app is fantastic and even if you don't live in London it does have an "Anywhere" button that provides some missions you can do, well, anywhere.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Thanks - I've added info on the 'anywhere' button to the post.