суббота, сентября 25, 2010

Oldest Balloon Race Live on Google Maps

Gordon Bennett 2010 International Gas Balloon Race

The 54th Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett International Gas Balloon Race got under way today, starting in Bristol, UK. All the competitors in the race have been fitted with tracking devices and you will be able to follow the race in real-time on a live Google Map.

Once the race has been started the balloons will be shown on the live tracking map with balloon map markers. If you click on any of the markers you will be able to view its current position, the distance it has travelled and its current speed.

Hat-tip: Mapperz


2 комментария:

ryanjo комментирует...

Uh...isn't it spelled "balloon"?

Keir Clarke комментирует...

oops - thanks!