пятница, сентября 03, 2010

Tripline's Use of Google Geo APIs


The Google Geo Developers Blog has a great guest post from Byron Dumbrill, Founder & CEO of Tripline. Tripline was one of my Maps of the Week last month.

Tripline allows anyone to easily create an embeddable interactive Google Map of a journey or trip. I particularly like how the map uses animated lines to connect each stage of a user created trip. In the Geo Developers Blog post Byron discusses how Tripline decided to use the Google Maps API for Flash as the best platform to combine the maps, the animations and soundtrack elements in Tripline.

Byron says that another advantage of using the Google Maps API for Flash is that it makes the created maps easy to share. One of the great features of Flash files is that they are easily embeddable (e.g. YouTube videos). The embedded Flash files also contain a full-screen option that can also greatly enhance the user experience.

The lesson for other Google Maps developers is that if you want your users to be able to embed your maps then you should seriously consider using the Google Maps API for Flash.

Via: Google Geo Developers Blog


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