вторник, сентября 28, 2010

West Bank Settlements on Google Maps

Americans for Peace Now - Facts on the Ground

Americans for Peace Now are using Google Maps to display the data the orgainsation has collected about settlement activity in the West Bank.

The map contains several layers, that can be selected from the Layer Selector. The layers include the West Bank Barrier, the Israeli Municipal Jurisdiction and the Palestinian Residential Areas.

If you select an individual settlement you can view the data that the Americans for Peace Now organisation have collected about it, such as the year it was established and its population. The map also includes a few news stories posted by Americans for Peace Now. The news stories include links that you can click to read the story in full elsewhere on the site.


3 комментария:

Kyle комментирует...

Is Google ever going to do another street view update or is this it?

Why is there no major announcment that Google is done?

Why am I like the ONLY one to notice this absence (besides the people at Google of course)

Dissertation help комментирует...

Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

Keir Clarke комментирует...

@Kyle Check back tomorrow!

Google have had issues with
Street View since they revealed they had actually been collecting personal data with the Street View cars.

Therefore they have obviously had to tread much more carefully. In Germany there has also been a bit of negative campaigning which has probably slowed the launch there.

However I have heard rumours of Street View being launched in at least one country tomorrow. The rumours might be false or Google might even launch in more than one country.