суббота, сентября 18, 2010

The Real Heat Map of Amsterdam

Amsterdam Heat Map

The Amsterdam local council have flown over the city and used a thermographic camera to capture images of the heat emissions of buildings. The images have then been superimposed on Google Maps to provide a heat map of the city.

The map has been produced to help identify where home insulation can be improved. If you live in Amsterdam and you want to find your house you can use the transparency control to adjust the transparency of the heat map and the Google Map controls to zoom in on your house.

The town of Venray has also produced a Google Map with a thermogrpahic overlay.

Via: Nederkaart


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

I wondered if this would be possible using regular satellite images of houses when there has been recent snowfall that has started to melt.