вторник, июля 26, 2011

Australian Social Diversity on Google Maps

Arek of the All Things Spatial blog has created a series of Google Maps to highlight social diversity in New South Wales, Australia.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics attempts to quantify socio-economic diversity for geographic locations with a suite of four summary measures called Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA). Arek has imported the Bureau's data for the four measures into Fusion Tables and created a map for each.

Each map provides a heat-map visualisation of one of the measure. In each map you can click on any of New South Wales' postal areas to view the area's rank and decile.


1 комментарий:

Eric комментирует...

I've done a similar thing on my website, although my interface isn't quite as good.

On request I can load in colouring for any statistic measured in the 2006 census.