среда, июля 20, 2011

Bulgarian Real Estate on Google Maps

Cheap Bulgarian House

If you are looking for property in Bulgaria then Cheap Bulgarian House is a good place to start.

The site uses Google Maps to display a large number of properties for sale or rent in Bulgaria. It is possible to search the map by price range, by type of property, by location and by the size of the property you want.

Properties from Bulgaria

This Google Maps mashup shows properties for sale or rent in the major Bulgarian towns.

The map sidebar provides quick links to view properties in specific towns. Underneath the map it is possible to select which types of property you wish to view.

Each information window includes a photo of the property and a link to more details.

Varna Plan

Varna Plan is a Google Maps mash-up for the Varna area in Bulgaria. Thanks to the map's impressive area polygon selection search engine it is possible to view an incredible amount of data about Varna on the map.

The map displays commercial, rental and residential property for sale in Varna. It is also possible to view from a large selection of tourist related layers.


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