понедельник, июля 11, 2011

Historypin Goes Global

Last year Hitorypin launched in beta in London. Its use of historical photographs with Google Maps and Street View proved instantly very popular. Today it has officially launched with a new mobile app and global coverage.

As well as the new mobile app the desktop version has a number of exciting new features. When you a view a historical photograph superimposed on Street View in Google Maps now you can also pan the Street View around and view thumbnails of nearby photographs. If you click on one of the photographs you are immediately transported to that photo superimposed on the present day view in Street View.

Even more excitingly you can now view historical video clips superimposed on Street View. For example you can watch a 1903 film of the opening of the Williamsburg Bridge in New York superimposed over the Street View of the bridge (view the film here on Historypin) .

Another great new feature is the ability to create your own tours. For example you could create a tour of photographs of San Francisco taken before the 1906 earthquake. Alternatively take a tour created by others. For example this tour of photographs of Gandhi's visit to Britain in 1931.

All-in-all Historypin 2.0 is a massive achievement. Take a look. I don't think you will be disappointed.


Via: Google LatLong


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