пятница, сентября 30, 2011

Friday Fun with Google Maps

The Electric Street View Acid Test

Asheville, North Carolina never really recovered from the 1960's. If you visit Asheville in Street View you can see how the whole town is still stuck in a weird psychedelic time-warp.

Average Breast Cup Size Map

Earlier this year Target Map released the Worldwide Penis Size Map. They have now released the Average Breast Cup Size Map.

I'm not going to comment on this map, as I know anything I say will just get me into trouble.

How to Make a Map Quilt

Robin Camille made a map quilt of Providence, R.I. with a little help from Google Maps. If the idea of having a map quilt inspires you then you can read all about how she made the quilt on her website.


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Users made those maps with their own data, we didn't! :D
We only offer people the tool to make and share their own maps. Greetings ;)