пятница, сентября 16, 2011

Street View Image API

Google has released a Street View Image API to quickly and easily add a static image to a web page.

The API provides a simple method for adding a Street View image or thumbnail to any application without the need for JavaScript. The API simply constructs a URL for the required Street View, which you can add to a web page as you would any other image. The API returns the corresponding Street View panorama as an image in JPG format.

A quick example is the Street View of the Eiffel Tower above, which I added to this post with the URL

http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=523x200&location=48.852733, 2.303183&heading=315&fov=90&pitch=5&sensor=false

The API should prove very useful in particular for real-estate, hotel and restaurant listing sites, providing a quick and easy method for providing images of houses, hotels and restaurants.

Via: Google Geo Developers Blog


1 комментарий:

Shreerang Patwardhan комментирует...

Here is a quick tutorial n the usage of the Street View Image API - http://goo.gl/t0Pyc