понедельник, января 30, 2012

Novel Mapping Projects - Chapter One

Many authors seem to have a special relationship with particular places. Some cities seem to have become almost inextricably linked with certain author's bodies of work, whether it be Charles Dickens' London or James Joyce's Dublin.

Novels: On Location is a good place to start if you want to find a book set in a specific location. In fact this Google Map acts a great guide for travellers keen to read a novel set in the places visited.

Using the map you can search for a location and find novels that are set there. For example, if you are lucky enough to be able to visit St Petersburg (or you just want to read something set there) you can consult Novels: On Location which recommends you read Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment.

Also See

Google Maps Based Stories
  • The 21 Steps - by Charles Cumming is "an adrenaline-fuelled adventure written and designed for Google Maps"
  • Senghor on the Rocks - a German language novel with Google Maps

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