суббота, января 07, 2012

World Tourism Heatmaps

The World's Most and Least Touristy Places Google Map shows a heatmap of the most photographed places based on photographs submitted to Panoramio. The analysis takes into account how many photos and by how many authors there are in any given area.

On the same website the Interesting Remote Places Map provides a heatmap of interesting places away from urban centres that have a high number of photos submitted to Panoramio. This map shows only places that are away from cities; usually outback, hiking destinations, or remote tourist attractions.

The Tourism Map for France and Southern England takes the same approach but provides a heatmap of Panoramio photos by location for a more localised area. The same author has also created a heatmap of Tourist Areas in Estonia.

4 комментария:

fotograf weselny комментирует...

it looks very good to me, very well done!

jak zawiązać krawat комментирует...

people choose warm but european places

Will Jobst комментирует...

That world map is quite an eye opener! Kind of like the US "exports" tourism to Europe.

Анонимный комментирует...

Mmmm - what percentage of Americans have a passport? Europe is popular globally, and very much with the Europeans.