среда, декабря 12, 2012

Where to Move on Google Maps

BlockAvenue has graded every neighborhood and city block in the country for the quality of life it provides. The grade for each block is based on a number of factors that are important in determining the quality of life in an area, such as crime statistics, the availability of public transit and the number and the quality of local restaurants and stores.

The BlockAvenue Google Map uses lettered map markers to show at a glance the grade for each city block. If you like the grade given to a particularly block you can zoom in on the neighborhood and discover the locations of local cafes, restaurants and other points of interest.

Users of BlocakAvenue can even leave their own comments and ratings for blocks and rate local businesses, schools etc.

Hat-tip: Street View Funny

1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

I just did a quick search of San Francisco neighborhoods, the majority of which received grades D and F. Based on my experience living here in SF, I can say that most neighborhoods offer an empirically high quality of life with good access to schools, restaurants, transit and services. BlockbyBlock is a cool concept, but their algorithm needs some major work.