суббота, июля 13, 2013

The Poverty Map of America

Poverty and Race in America is an interesting mapped visualisation of poverty in American towns and cities. The map allows users to explore areas affected by poverty for every metropolitan region nationwide in both 1980 and 2010.

The visualisation includes a slide-bar tool that enables you to compare the mapped data for both years. Each dot on the map represents 20 people with income below the poverty line.

Portland, Oregon: The Age of a City is a MapBox map that colors the buildings of Portland by age. 544,033 buildings are displayed, resulting in a beautiful looking map that reveals some interesting facts about Portland's development over the years.

The map's creator has also written up a blog post about the map, which looks at some of the interesting observations about Portland that the map helps to unveil.

WNYC has also used MapBox to create a map that allows users to see how long it takes to travel from anywhere in New York by public transit. Transit Time NYC allows users to pick a start point anywhere in the city and find the subway travel times to everywhere else in NYC.

Transit Time NYC was inspired by an old Google Maps Mania favorite, the Triptrop map, which uses the Google Maps API to reveal transit times for any location in New York.

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