понедельник, сентября 16, 2013

Build Your Own Trans-Continental Railway

Come on, let's build a railway.

Transit.js is a fantastic javascript library that makes it very easy to create your own real-time transit Google Map. Using the library you can map out transit routes, add vehicles and a schedule and then watch a simulation of your transit network in real-time on a Google Map.

You can use the library to create a real-time simulation of any transit network in the world (whether it's the London, Paris or New York subway systems or the Trans Siberian Railway). Alternatively you can invent your own transit route (for example, the Hawaii to LA Underwater Railway), make up your own schedule and sit back and watch your network in action.

Think of it as a model railway on a Google Map. You can view a couple of examples of the library in action. The Chennai Suburban Railway Map is a real-time map of live trains in Chennai, India. The Grand Intercontinental Maglev, on the other hand, is an imagined maglev route from Tokyo to Rome.

Also See

Vasile Coțovanu's Vehicle-Simulator - another javasript library for creating real-time transit maps (see it in action on the Swiss Federal Railways Simulator).

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