понедельник, октября 07, 2013

London's Pollution on Google Maps

The London Air Quality Network provides information about air quality in and around London.

The site includes a Google Map that allows Londoners to view air quality from monitoring stations positioned around the capital. The stations collect data on London's air quality twice a day and the map is updated hourly.

The London Air Quality Network also includes a Google Map of the annual mean pollution in London during 2008 and a map that shows which areas of London failed to meet the UK government's Air Quality Strategy Objectives during 2012.

As well as the traditional Google Maps visualisations of air pollution London Air has a very cool 3d Map of Air Pollution in London. This 3d map seems to have been around for a while because it visualises air quality in London in 2003, with predictions for the years 2004-10.

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