среда, февраля 26, 2014

Mapping Teenage Pregnancy

The UK's Office for National Statistics has released a powerful mapped visualization of Under 18 Conception Rates in England & Wales.

The map allows users to explore conception rates between 1998 and 2012 at local authority level. The tool shows how under 18 conception rates have changed over this time period and enables comparisons between different local authorities and between a selected local authority and the overall national picture.

This new tool is just the latest in a series of mapped visualizations of UK data by the Office for National Statistics. In the past the ONS has released a number of Fusion Tables powered Google Maps to visualize UK economic & demographic data. Here are just a few of their UK maps:

The Income Estimates Map is a map that allows users to view the estimated average weekly household income for neighbourhoods throughout the UK. Users can click on a location or use the search box to search for an address and view the average weekly income in that area.

The Urban Rural Definition Map is a map of the UK showing whether each neighbourhood is designated as urban, rural or 'town or fringe'. The Public and Private Sector Employment Map shows the subregional distribution of public and private sector employment and allows users to explore the distribution in their area. The Households in Poverty Estimates Map provides estimates of the proportion of households in poverty in UK neighbourhoods. 

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