среда, февраля 05, 2014

The Amazing Beauty of WebGL Globes

The WebGL Weather Globe is a beautiful WebGL created visualization of Earth that includes a basic overlay to display the current weather conditions around the world.

The World Elevation Globe is a 3d WebGL created globe that visualizes elevation levels around the world.

GitHub has quickly become the most popular code repository site (Jeremy Clarkson voice) in the whole world. If you want to see how GitHub has conquered the world then check out this mapped visualization of GitHub Users Worldwide.

Check out the huge orange line on the globe emanating from San Francisco. That line tells a story on its own.

There are also couple of similar WebGL globes to this one showing Google+ Users and World Population.

Of course globes don't have to just visualize the Earth. How about Earth & Mars, Mars on its own, or the Earth and Moon.

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