четверг, мая 01, 2014

GeoBeers in Switzerland

The Swiss Beer Map is an interesting map of breweries in Switzerland. OK, it isn't actually that interesting. However there are a couple of reasons why I wanted to bring this map to your attention.

Firstly, the Swiss Beer Map is the first time that I've seen Mapbox's Comic Sans inspired vector map tiles being used in the wild. This map style always brings a smile to my face so I'm happy to see it being used used in this project.

Secondly the map was created by GeoBeerCH. GeoBeerCH is an informal meeting of Swiss people interested in geography, GIS, cartography and the latest technologies. This map gives me the perfect excuse to inform you about their next meet-up, which is next week on May, 6th at 6.30pm at the Bahnhofrestaurant in Olten,

While we are on the topic of geo meet-ups, the next Geomob event is on May 13th at 6.30pm at the Pearson Lecture Theatre, UCL, London.

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