четверг, июля 24, 2014

Europe is Moving Westwards

The European Union has released a new open data portal to provide information on EU funding and the socio-economic situation in each European Union country. The data can be downloaded in a number of common formats (including CSV, JSON and XML) and can be used free of charge.

The Cohesion Policy Data also provides visualizations of the data in a number of formats, including using Mapbox powered maps. The maps allow you to visualize a number of the socio-economic data-sets on a map of Europe, including data on GDP, unemployment rates and population.

The net migration data is particularly interesting. Immigration is currently proving to be a hot political topic in many European countries so I'm sure this data will prove to be popular with developers and news outlets. The map (screenshot above) clearly shows that most of the EU countries from the former Eastern Bloc (including East Germany) are experiencing high levels of emigration.

The map also shows that the many of the most popular destinations in Europe are around the Mediterranean coast, with north-western Italy, southern France and eastern Spain proving particularly popular as migrant destinations.

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