среда, июля 30, 2014

The Rudest Places in Australia

Aussies in the state of South Australia just can't stop swearing, at least that seems to be the lesson to be learned from their Twitter messages. Languages of Australia is a map showing the languages of geolocated tweets in Australia. It also shows where people used profanities in their Tweets.

The map uses Twitter data from 6th June 2013 until March 14th 2014. It reveals that South Australia is the state where the must profanities were made during that time. However although it was the rudest state the rudest suburb is actually in New South Wales, where the Twitter users of Illawarra Catchment Reserve used profanities in over a third of all their Twitter messages.

The top non-English languages used in Tweets are displayed on the map with coloured dots. You can also select any of the languages from a drop-down menu to view the number of Tweets made in the language in each suburb.

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