суббота, ноября 29, 2014

Improving the Public Tranport Map

Public Transport Not Traffic (PTNT) is a community campaign to improve Melbourne's public transport network by asking the public to map their suggestions about how the city's public transit system can be made better.

To add a suggestion anyone can click on the PTNT CrowdSpot map of Melbourne. Once you click on the map you can suggest the improvements that you would like to see at the selected location. You can also use the map to browse the suggestions left by other users.

However you can also view the results of all the suggestions received so far on the PTNT CrowdSpot Visualisation map. This map visualizes all the mapped improvements suggested to the campaign so far. The suggestions are color-coded to show whether they are related to the train, tram or bus networks. The suggestion markers are also sized to indicate the level of support for each suggested improvement.

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