суббота, ноября 29, 2014

We're Not in Vegas Any More

On many Saturday mornings I awake dazed and confused. When I lift my head from my drool covered pillow I cannot help but wonder where the hell I am and how the hell did I get here. Eventually, hurting and hungover, I''ll get up and I'll stagger to the window, look out upon the unfamiliar surroundings and exclaim,

'Shit! Is this Vegas?'

I'm sure your Saturday mornings are mostly the same. That's why you should get Am I in Las Vegas? Now when you wake up hung-over and confused all you need to do is share your location with this map and you'll immediately get an answer as to whether you drunkenly flew to Las Vegas the night before.

Am I in Las Vegas actually has a serious purpose. When Las Vegas was first incorporated in the mid-1900's, property owners were able to opt-out. Therefore Las Vegas' boundaries are very complicated. You can actually find yourself in a neighborhood which is surrounded by Las Vegas but because your building chose to opt-out of incorporation you are not in the city.

This can clearly cause confusion when citizens request services from the City. Therefore Am I in Las Vegas? has been created as a simple tool for residents of Las Vegas (and those who are in doubt) to be able to quickly check if their address fall within the remit of the Las Vegas City Council.

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