понедельник, февраля 16, 2015

Custom Street Views of Oxfordshire

Nikhilesh Haval's Oxfordshire in 360 Degrees is a neat custom Street View guide to the picturesque county of Oxfordshire, England. It also serves rather neatly as a gallery of Haval's own Google Business Photos.

At the heart of Oxfordshire in 360 Degrees is a Google Map of Haval's own custom shot Street View images from around the county. Select a marker on the map and you can view a Street View of the location. The map sidebar also provides links to nearby places of interest on the map that Havel has also captured in Street View.

The Street Views shown on the map can be filtered by category, 'Churches', 'Businesses', 'Places of Interest' and 'Play Areas'. The map includes in particular a large number of 360 degree panoramas captured inside churches, providing a unique view of the interiors of many of the county's beautiful churches.

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