пятница, февраля 20, 2015

Mapping Instagram

Whatsthere allows you to view a Google Map of a location while browsing nearby photos posted to Instagram.

You can use Whatsthere to browse through Instagram photos taken near a location by typing a location into the search box or by dragging the map marker around on the map. For example, you could enter 'Angkor Wat' in the search box to view Instagram photos from the world's largest religious monument.

After you have explored Ankor Wat you can then just drag the map marker to the nearby Bayon Temple to view photos taken at this temple.

Using The Beat it is possible to view photographs submitted to Instagram on top of a Street View of the location where the picture was taken. If you enter a hashtag search into The Beat you can just sit back and watch as a stream of Instagram images, placed on top of Street View, plays on your monitor.

The hashtag feature is a great way to search for interesting photographs around a theme or an event. For example, if you enter 'chinesenewyear' into the search box you can view a selection of Chinese New Year photographs submitted to Instagram.

Instahood is another Google Maps based application that allows you to view the latest photographs posted to Instagram by location. The app is a handy way to view the latest pictures posted around a location or taken at a specific event.

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