среда, января 06, 2016

Create Your Own 3D Planet

Planet 3D is an awesome WebGL based 3D planet texture generator, which allows you to design your very own 3D globes.

Before starting to build your own planet it is a good idea to have a look at the preset 3D globes, which you can select from the 'preset' button at the bottom of the screen. Once you have chosen the preset planet that you like you can adjust the look of the planet by using the hjson editor on the right of the screen.

The help section provides all the information you need on how to change the features of your planet, such as the colors, atmosphere, clouds and height gradients. When you've finished making your changes to the hjson you need to press shift + enter to render your world. If you like the look of your planet you can then save the planet texture by clicking on the 'save' button.

Planet 3D is way beyond my basic programming skills. I therefore can't tell you much about how this tool was created, although I think I read somewhere that it was built using slackgl, a WebGL 3D engine.

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brown dwarf
preview: {
light: {
position: [1,1,1]
color: [1,1,1]
ambient: [0,0,0]
specularFalloff: 16
atmosphere: {
wrap: 0.75
color: [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
width: 0.5
glow: {
iterations: 10
strength: 1.01

texture: {
seed: gaseous
resolution: 512
heightGradient: [
{val: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], stop: 0}
{val: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], stop: 0.75}
normalGradient: [
{val: 0.00, stop: 0.0}
specularGradient: [
{val: 0, stop: 0.0}
emissionGradient: [
{val: [0.25, 0.0, 0.0], stop: 0.0}
scale: [0.125,2,0.125]
falloff: 2.0
detail: 6
clouds: {
color: [0.75,0.1,0.1]
opacity: 4.0
falloff: 4.0
scale: [0.0, 1.0, 0.1]
detail: 512