четверг, января 07, 2016

Oz Talk Mapping

Stop pashing your Bruce or Sheila and take a closer look at these maps exploring the regional differences in Australian English.

Mapping Words Around Australia maps the responses to a number of questions about which words Australians prefer to use for certain things. The maps, from the Linguistic Roadshow, show the results of over 20,000 responses to a language survey, from all across Australia.

The maps are used by the Linguistic Roadshow when they visit schools, as the basis for discussions about why language might vary. The website itself doesn't include much information on the regional differences in Australian vocabulary. However if you visit the Australian Word Map by the Macquarie Dictionary you can explore more Australian regionalisms.

The Australian Word Map divides Australia into 27 regional language divisions. If you click on any of the regions on the Macquarie Dictionary map you can view a list of vocabulary regionalisms that the dictionary has recorded in that area.

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