среда, января 27, 2016

Migrant Routes in Europe & South East Asia

MOAS is a charity dedicated to saving the lives of refugees at sea. The charity was established after the October 2013 disaster when 400 men, women and children drowned off the Italian island of Lampedusa,

The MOAS website includes a number of interactive maps designed to explain the migration routes into Europe & in the Bay of Bengal, and the work MOAS is doing along those routes to rescue refugees. From the website's homepage you can navigate to learn more about MOAS's work in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Aegean Sea or in the Andaman Sea. Each of these sections is illustrated by an interactive map.

For example the Aegean Sea section includes an interactive map showing migrant routes through Turkey to the Greek Islands. In 2015 over 700,000 people used these routes to try to reach Europe. Almost 600 people died trying to cross the Aeagean Sea.

The MOAS in the Mediterranean Sea section includes an interactive map of MOAS rescue missions in the Mediterranean. It includes a heat-map of where those rescues took place and details about the number of refugees saved during each rescue mission.

The MOAS in the Andaman Sea section of the website looks at MOAS's work in the Bay of Bengal. The interactive map here shows the migrant routes from Bangladesh and Myanmar and the number of migrants living in refugee camps.

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